Monday, May 5, 2014

Social Media Final

I used Blogger for posts that required more information to get my point across. It was a way to inform customers about events and provide them with information about the even and what to expect from it and if they need to bring anything. Also, I use it to provide information about massage, training techniques, and anything else that might need more in depth explanation. I enjoyed Blogger and like being able to really provide insight and information to readers about the chosen topic. It was easy to navigate and use. In a real-life scenario I would use Blogger, maybe not weekly posting but just for when I need to provide more information to customers.

I used Twitter to inform followers of sales/specials, post fun facts and pictures, links to different articles, let followers know of openings, and encourage healthy living. I did my Tweets according to the Buddy Media Report for healthy and beauty, travel and leisure, and sports because my business kind of falls into all of those categories. I did most of my post, or at least the ones that I really wanted my followers to see, on Sundays and also later in the week and weekends Twitter is a great way to share links and to get information about sales/specials to customers. It was difficult keeping it within the character limit set for Tweets due to pictures and links taking up a fair amount of that limit even after being shortened. In regard to the EEI strategy I have 22 Engaging posts, 32 Entertaining posts, and 32 Informing posts, as well as retweets.

I used Facebook as a way to really interact and connect with my clients. I posted to let people know about events or classes, sales/specials, funny massage related pictures, and links to articles or websites. The majority of y posts I did on Sundays and later in the week either at 9:30/10ish in the morning or 5:30ish at night. In regard to the EEI I had 13 engaging posts, 8 entertaining posts, 12 informative posts, and 2 that were a combination. In a real-life scenario I would use this platform just because a lot of people and business use it so I would be able to reach a lot of people at a fairly low cost. It allows you to interact on a more personal level with your clients and really make a connection with them.

I used HootSuite to schedule my posts for Facebook and Twitter for the week. It was easy to use and made doing weekly postings quick and easy. I would try to stick with a general theme for each week and had a few weekly things that I did. (Fun Fact Friday and entertaining pictures on Wednesdays to help people get through the mid week slump)I would use HootSuite in a real-life scenario because it made postings quick and easy and I didn't have to go to each social media platform everyday to do postings. I would use it to schedule those weekly posting and anything that I had planned ahead of time, but I would still want to do some when I think about things or come across different articles or something that I want to share with my followers.

I used Pinterest to find and share ways for clients to live a natural, healthy lifestyle, at hoe massage and stretching techniques, ways to relieve stress, different products we would use or sell at out business, and also different motivational and inspirational quotes. In a real-life scenario I would use Pinterest much the same way I did for this course and just be able to connect with clients and share different things with them that we found interesting, matched the business philosophy and aid in building that relationship with our customers. I can use Pinterest to link pins to my other social media platforms, as well as my business website. I can use Pinterst to share redecorating that the business does, introduce now techniques our therapists learn, different oils or lotions we use and where customers can purchase some or get more information about it, and ways to keep your body healthy in between massages/treatments.

This wasn't really a niche site, but I would use SpaFinder with a real-life business like my one for this class because it would allow my customers to see what others are saying about their experience at my business and they can also purchase gift cards that can be used at my business. Also, customers can see more than just massage therapists and spas but also other natural, alternative services, wellness options, and relaxation services (yoga, aromatherapy, etc...)

With vines and videos I found it kind of difficult to do just because it was hard to figure out a concept and how to do it for a fake business with no real location so it would look professional. I think that Vines could be a good platform in a real-life scenario to give clients a visual of a massage or stretching technique, how to make their own massage oils and lotions, and anything else that a visual would help customers understand what I am trying to tell them. 

I would use Facebook for informing about events or courses, do more detailed posts, share success stories, and really be able to interact and connect with customers. I would post about the same amount of time that I did for this course (3-5 posts a week) but would do them more around the times and days that the Buddy Media Report recommended for my type of business. I would use Twitter to inform customers about daily specials/sales that I decide to do, share fun and interesting facts, pictures and article links, provides links to articles and webpages that relate to my business and its practices. Pinterest would be used to show clients how to make your own oils and lotions at home, share stretching and massaging techniques that they can do at home to aid in their recuperation and also help them to keep their body healthy. I really liked Blogger because it allowed me to get more in depth, and really elaborate on a topic. Being that massage as a form of healing is still new to people providing information and links to credible sources.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Social Media Measurements are a way to show business value and Return on Investment (ROI). There are two categories of metrics, a standard unit of measurement, for social media marketing; on-site and off-site. According to The Social Media Marketing Book by Dan Zarrella on-site metrics measure activity that takes place directly on your site and off-site metrics measure activity that happens on other sites where you and your customers interact. When looking at on-site metrics the most important thing you can measure as a marketer is your return on investment. By labeling visitor's who've reached these goals, you'll be able to trace them back to their referrers, the sites that sent those visitors to you, and evaluate the effectiveness of each source. You also need to measure metrics that indicate how engaged people are when they come to your site. The two easiest ways to measure engagement metrics are time on site and page views per visit. Off-site metrics are social  media sites (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), media-sharing sites, review sites, forums and earned media. Some different software options for keeping track of your on-site metrics are Google Analytics, Clicky and HubSpot. Some tips to take away about social media measurements are; focus on engagement metrics over pure eyeball metrics, don't forget to measure your performance on external social sites, and select an easy-to-use web analytics package.

Facebook Metrics

Total Likes: 5
Engaging Posts: 13
Entertaining Posts: 8
Informative Posts: 12
Combination Posts: 2

The majority of posts had 2 people who viewed, some had up to 3 and others only had 1. Most popular post as from March 5 at 9:30pm that had a picture attached with the caption, "The mid-week slump has come to an end, have a good night and a peaceful evening."
When looking at the Buddy Media Report I determined the best days to post. I looked at the information about health and beauty, travel and leisure, and sports because those all play a little part in my business. The most common day between all 3 of these was Sundays, then after that posting later in the weeks and weekends was a similar time for all 3. Many of my posts were done at either 9:30 in the morning or at 5:30 or 7:30 at night.

Twitter Metrics

Tweets: 113
Followers: 31
Following: 10
Engaging Posts: 22
Entertaining Posts: 32
Informing Posts: 32
Retweets(by me): 24
 Retweets (of my posts): 7

* Feb. 5: spa at dana @spa_at_dana
               "We support social media courses! @BettOnUs" Then on Feb. 6 that Tweet was retweeted by LEMONESSE and was favorited by Broadcast Asylum
*Mar. 27: 715 Snowboards @715Snowboards
                 "Stretch! The most used muscles when snowboarding are the hamstrings and quadriceps. Also, if your muscles get sore hit up @BOUSportMasage."

I did most of my postings during the same days as my Facebook posts at around 9am, noon or 1pm, and 5:30pm o r 7:30pm.

For my business I would probably choose Social Report as a tool to improve social media analysis. Social Report is a social network analytics solution that allows your social network accounts just the same way you would track the performance of your websites. With Social Report you can track membership, demographics, interests, geography, education, employment and many other aspects of your social space. With Social Report you can compare your social accounts and see how each impacts your business. There are many networks the Social Report can report on: social networks (Facebook, Twitter, fourquare, Instagram), blogs (Blogger, tumblr), Business Reviews (tripadvisor, yelp), Web Analytics and shortlinkers (google,, clicky), and online stores (ebay, Etsy). They offer a free 30-day trial so you can try all of their features before purchasing. There are 4 different purchase levels, $9, $39, $79, and $159 per month. The 3 more expensive levels all offer the same features, aside from one (white label, Resell + API) and also the number of projects you can manage. I would do the $39/month category that manages up to 15 projects and since I am just a small company I don't have too many projects that I need to keep track of.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Here at Bett On Us we recently learned about virtual worlds and how to use them to promote your business. One virtual world that really caught our eye was Second Life. On Second Life users can create an avatar of their own and a life for them. On Second Life users can live the life they want and be whoever they want to be. You can meet new people, learn about new products, create your own products/services, listen to live performances (music, poetry, reading, etc...), and play games. Second Life offers so much more than just chatting and hanging out with people, it offers a way for people to escape from the problems and stress in their own life, live out a dream they can't or are scared to live out in their daily life, and just express themselves how they want.

On Second Life, we will create our own business based off of our own facility. Using Second Life we will have links to all of our social media sites, our website, and our online appointment book where clients can see available times and book appointments. Also, we will provide flash sales as well as other promotions and sales for customers to use at our business who visit our Second Life therapy center. Finally, we want to be able to educate our clients and answer questions they have not only about massage but also other alternative medicines. We will have our Second Life open at all times during regular business hours, so that there is always someone available to answer questions and help users navigate our online facility. Second Life is completely free to join and does not cost you anything, unless you choose to pay for it. Click on the following link to the Secret Life webpage and start your account today.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ratings and Reviews

When looking for retailers or service providers do you look for reference or reviews? If so, do you ask friends and family about their experience, look at the company website, or go to online review sites?? There are tons of review sites out there for so many different kinds of businesses, some more category specific then others. Bett On Us has recently joined Spa Finder so that our customers can post about their experience as well as see what others are saying about their experience with Bett On Us. On Spa Finder you can not only local spas or massage therapists but you can also look for other wellness and alternative services. Examples of other services on spa finder are; facials, manicures & pedicures, fitness, weight loss, aromatherapy, and reflexology.

The reason that we chose to join Bett On Us was because it was a very professional looking site, and it offered a lot of good information about the different companies that are on the site. Not only can you write about your experience with different businesses but there is a customer testimonial area where you can post about your experience with using Spa Finder. Another reason that we chose Spa Finder was because you can buy gift certificates right on the website that can be used at multiple different businesses that partner with Spa Finder. A user of spa finder had this to say about the site, "Very efficient, easy to find information, quick delivery. Very pleasant experience."

Now that you know a little more about Spa Finder, we have a small favor to ask of our customers. We'd like to ask you to go to Spa Finder and post a review about your own experience at Bett On Us. We want to hear your thoughts about the facility itself, the therapist who you worked with, the massage itself. In short, share with us how your experience as a whole went. We want to make sure that you are getting all that you can from us at Bett On Us. We care about all of our clients and we want to make sure that every experience with us is a positive one for you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Baby and Me: Infant Massage Class

Baby and Me:
Infant Massage Class

What: Infant Massage Training Course
Who: You and your baby
When: Wed. April 9, 2014
Where: Bett On US
620 W. Clairemont
 Eau Caire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 555-6789
Why: Massage can be very beneficial for your babies development and health, as well as help with developing a good connection with your baby.

During an infant massage training session a therapist will show you the routine and techniques using a doll and then allow you to try them on your infant. The therapist will check your technique and correct your form if needed to ensure that you are doing it correctly. Massage is beneficial to your infant because it encourages interaction between you and your baby, it helps your baby to relax and sleep, positively affects infants hormones that control stress, and reduces crying. Things to avoid when massaging your baby are to make sure that you are not doing it too soon after feedings, bath, or other stimulating activities as it will over stimulate your infant and cause them to get upset. Also, if your infant seems stiff and ridged to you a massage is not the best idea, you want your baby to be content and calm. We will give you further information about infant massage during the training course and there will also be hand-outs and pamphlets for you to take home

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

Tips and Tricks to avoid getting strung out this Spring!

 As temperatures are getting warmer, I am sure that many of you are starting to transition from indoor running to outdoor running. We here at Bett On Us want to help you to do this without causing injury to your body. Well treadmill running is beneficial, and sometimes necessary, there are still a few key differences that runners need to be aware of. 
1. When running outdoors you typically rely on your hamstrings to finish the stride cycle and lift your leg behind you, whereas on a treadmill you use your quads to push off. 
2. The terrain outdoors is constantly changing, which increases you risk of an injury from even a minor misstep because the small muscles, tendons, and ligaments of your ankle haven't been forced to get used to a variety of landings. 
3. Wind resistance causes your pace outdoors to be a bit harder than indoor. 

You need to transition gradually in order to avoid a resulting injury. So start with one or two of your easy, shorter runs per week outside and build from there. You can also try to split your runs up, where you complete some miles on the treadmill and the rest outside. To safeguard your ankles work on balance and mobility drills such as balancing on one leg a Bosu ball and pillow. After you can hold there, test your balance further by moving your arms or reaching down with your opposite arm towards the foot you are balancing on. To help you prepare for the wind resistance you can put the treadmill incline up to 1.5%.