Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Warm up with Hot Stone Massage!

Winter Blues got you feeling down? Are these cold winter temps making you sore? Why not try a hot stone massage at Bett On Us to warm you up and soothe those sore muscles?

Hot stone massage is a great way to relax and soothe sore muscles. It is a variation of massage where the therapist uses heated smooth, flat stones during the massage. The therapist will place the stones on key points on the body and will also hole the stones and use them to massage areas of the body that the client specified as problem areas.

During your massage here at Bett On Us you can lay back, relax and listen to the peaceful ocean sounds combined with guitar, piano, or harps. So you can warm up and envision yourself laying on a warm, sandy beach somewhere far away from this snow. Mention this post and receive 10% off a 90 minute hot stone session. 

Follow this link to learn more about hot stone massage.

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