Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Guess what ladies and gents we are now on Facebook! Like our page on Facebook to stay up to date on promotions, events, information about the company, details and information about massage and fun facts. All you need to do is click on the following link straight to our Facebook page and click like, simple as that! See you all soon! 

Facebook will be used as a way for Bett On Us to stay connected with clients and gain new ones. We want our clients to share about their experience at Bett On Us and also their success stories throughout their training and or healing process. Also, we want to share information about sales, specials, and promotions that our business is doing whether on services or products or a combination of the two. We also want our customers to know more and educate themselves on massage, it's benefits for everyone and how is can help athletes during training and through the injury healing process. As a final way to connect with our customers we want to show our personality and entertain them. We will do this by sharing amusing massage related videos, pictures and facts.

1 comment:

  1. Your wording is great and I like how you personalized your blog posting. Attention grabbing heading and of course it was on time! Your rock! 30/30
