Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Follow Us! We're on Twitter now!

We're expanding to Twitter,

If you're unfamiliar with Twitter here's a little background information for you. Twitter is a social media site where individuals and businesses can create their own page in a way to connect with people. To start with the individual or business will create a handle that reflects them or their business. Many people will make their handle a combination of their first and last name or a business will do the name of the company. Once your page is set up and customized how you want it people and other businesses can follow you and you can follow them. This is a good way to keep connected with customers and also see what your competition is doing. When you post on Twitter it is called a Tweet. A tweet can be up to 140 characters and you can include links and pictures in it. Also with Tweets you can mention other people or businesses in it or use a hashtag to group it with other posts that are talking about the same thing. For a hashtag you use the pound sign (#) and a combination of words with no spaces. Ex: #sportsmassage #relaxation. To mention someone in your post you just use their Twitter handle which is located under their profile picture and name on their profile, it starts with the @ symbol. Ex: @BettOnUs. When you follow someone on Twitter their posts will show up on your home feed and anyone who follows you will see your Tweets.

As with any social media site there are pros and cons to using it. Some of the pros are that you get to reach many different kinds of people and connect with them. It's also a way to stay connected with current clients and seem personable to them. It's a way to keep customers up to date and informed about sales, promotions, specials, new information, update, etc... If you are actively using Twitter by posting and following customers it can help you seem more personable to those following you. Some cons to using Twitter are first that your Tweets can only be 140 characters long so you need to say what you need to say without being confusing or leaving information out. Also with your Tweets, because individuals usually follow a lot of people or businesses you need to make your Tweet stand out from the crowd or it could get lost in all of the hustle and bustle.

Example of Engage tweet:
  ~First 10 followers will receive 10% off a session of their choosing.
  ~TODAY ONLY! Mention us in a Tweet about your favorite essential oil and receive a free personalized bottle after your next appointment.

Example of Entertain tweet:
 In need of a massage, call and make your appointment today.

Are you feeling unproductive? Come relax with us and raise your productivity.

 Example of Informing tweet:
  ~What type of massage is best for you? Swedish, Sport, Hot Stone? *link to article defining the different types of massage*
  ~Is there anything I need to do after getting a massage in order to fully benefit? *link to article about taking care of yourself after a massage*

Example of EEI using a hashtag:

When's your massage day? Don't have one? Well come in and let us help you start one. #massageday

Example of EEI using a mention:
   ~Ice is the more homeopathic option to assist is pain relief but if you have a busy schedule @Biofreeze is a great alternative.

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