Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Facebook privacy is different depending on the person or company running the page. A page can either be made completely private, which means that only approved friends can see pictures or statuses posted, or it can be more open depending on how the person decides to run their page. With the privacy settings a person can decide on who can message them, who can see their status updates and picture uploads, who can send them friend requests, and they can also decide if their profile can be found if someone searches for them on a search engine. Facebook privacy settings allow people to decide how much they want to be seen and by who based on their own personal preferences.

Right now my privacy settings are fairly high, only friends can see my status updates and only friends of friends can send me messages, friend requests and see my pictures. I have these settings like this because I have a lot of pictures of my ex boyfriends little girl on there and I am only friends with her mother so I wanted her mothers friends and family to be able to see those pictures. Both her mother and father are okay with me having pictures of her on Facebook with friends of friends as the allowed audience. Right now my Facebook doesn't even fully show who I am as a person so I don't think that it reflects on me too much professionally. I use my Facebook as a way to stay connected with my entire family in Milwaukee and other friends that I have made throughout the years. Right now I think that my Facebook privacy settings reflect pretty well on my professionally because it is pretty closed off to anyone that I don't want to see it. My Facebook reflects me personally and professionally I am a different person. I choose to keep my personal life and professional life separate and my Facebook reflects that.

I think in the future I see myself changing my privacy settings to be completely closed off just because I will be wanting to start a family and a career and I just want to share those aspects of my life with certain people. I see myself deleting a lot of people who are currently on my Facebook either because I don't talk to them at all anymore or I really don't care to share with them aspects of my life. If anything I can see myself leaving my Facebook how it is and creating a second one strictly for family and close friends. I like having a Facebook to stay up to date on my family (mainly my cousins) They live 4 hours away and I don't get many chances to see them so being able to see them growing up through pictures (on their mom and dads pages) and everything they are doing in their life is really nice. I don't see myself making too many changes just because I am a fairly open person and I don't hide things from people. If someone wants to know something about me all they have to do is ask.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have a great perspective on Facebook privacy settings. I like the thought you put into it and your explanations for why you have your privacy set the way you do! 30/30
