Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Guess what ladies and gents we are now on Facebook! Like our page on Facebook to stay up to date on promotions, events, information about the company, details and information about massage and fun facts. All you need to do is click on the following link straight to our Facebook page and click like, simple as that! See you all soon! 

Facebook will be used as a way for Bett On Us to stay connected with clients and gain new ones. We want our clients to share about their experience at Bett On Us and also their success stories throughout their training and or healing process. Also, we want to share information about sales, specials, and promotions that our business is doing whether on services or products or a combination of the two. We also want our customers to know more and educate themselves on massage, it's benefits for everyone and how is can help athletes during training and through the injury healing process. As a final way to connect with our customers we want to show our personality and entertain them. We will do this by sharing amusing massage related videos, pictures and facts.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Are you a massage rookie?

Are you new to massage? Wondering what type of massage is best for you? Here at Bett On Us Sports Massage we offer a range of massage sessions so that everyone can get the one best suited for them. Our experienced massage therapists have the knowledge and training to assist you in finding the perfect on for you.

The most common and best-known type of massage is Swedish. This is a good massage for anyone who is new to massage, as it is more of a relaxation massage and uses less pressure. The massage can either be slow and gentle or vigorous and bracing, it all depends of the therapists personal style an also what the client is wanting to get out of the massage.

At the beginning of a Swedish massage, as with any form of massage, the client is asked to completely undress, or just to their underwear, depending on the clients personal comfort level and then lay face down on the massage table under the sheet while to therapist leaves the room to prepare for the massage. Through the massage the client remains covered and only the part of the body being worked is uncovered, this is called draping. The massage uses a number of different strokes including; effleurage, petrissage, kneading, friction, and stretching. The massage begins by the therapist working on the clients back then moving to the back of the legs. After the back is complete the therapist will slightly lift the sheet so the client can turn over and slide down on the table so that their head is not resting on the face cradle.

Swedish massage is good for anyone, from those looking to just relax to those looking for relief from sore muscles. If you injuries require more in depth work, a different massage type might be recommended. As with any massage session, Swedish massage has a general routine that is personalized based on the needs and wants of the client. There are many benefits of massage for anyone who receives one. Studies have found that massage is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Massage can also help with anxiety, digestive disorder, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia related to stress, soft tissue strains or injuries, and sports injuries. Even though massage is beneficial it is not meant as a replacement for regular medical care.

Right now we are offering a "Rookie Special"  
All new, first time clients who book any type of massage with us, between now (Feb 21, 2014) and March 31, 2014 can receive 20% off the session cost. For current clients of Bett On Us, try a new massage and receive 10% off the session cost. *Both specials end March 31, 2014. Sessions must be booked before March 31, 2014.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Facebook privacy is different depending on the person or company running the page. A page can either be made completely private, which means that only approved friends can see pictures or statuses posted, or it can be more open depending on how the person decides to run their page. With the privacy settings a person can decide on who can message them, who can see their status updates and picture uploads, who can send them friend requests, and they can also decide if their profile can be found if someone searches for them on a search engine. Facebook privacy settings allow people to decide how much they want to be seen and by who based on their own personal preferences.

Right now my privacy settings are fairly high, only friends can see my status updates and only friends of friends can send me messages, friend requests and see my pictures. I have these settings like this because I have a lot of pictures of my ex boyfriends little girl on there and I am only friends with her mother so I wanted her mothers friends and family to be able to see those pictures. Both her mother and father are okay with me having pictures of her on Facebook with friends of friends as the allowed audience. Right now my Facebook doesn't even fully show who I am as a person so I don't think that it reflects on me too much professionally. I use my Facebook as a way to stay connected with my entire family in Milwaukee and other friends that I have made throughout the years. Right now I think that my Facebook privacy settings reflect pretty well on my professionally because it is pretty closed off to anyone that I don't want to see it. My Facebook reflects me personally and professionally I am a different person. I choose to keep my personal life and professional life separate and my Facebook reflects that.

I think in the future I see myself changing my privacy settings to be completely closed off just because I will be wanting to start a family and a career and I just want to share those aspects of my life with certain people. I see myself deleting a lot of people who are currently on my Facebook either because I don't talk to them at all anymore or I really don't care to share with them aspects of my life. If anything I can see myself leaving my Facebook how it is and creating a second one strictly for family and close friends. I like having a Facebook to stay up to date on my family (mainly my cousins) They live 4 hours away and I don't get many chances to see them so being able to see them growing up through pictures (on their mom and dads pages) and everything they are doing in their life is really nice. I don't see myself making too many changes just because I am a fairly open person and I don't hide things from people. If someone wants to know something about me all they have to do is ask.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Follow Us! We're on Twitter now!

We're expanding to Twitter,

If you're unfamiliar with Twitter here's a little background information for you. Twitter is a social media site where individuals and businesses can create their own page in a way to connect with people. To start with the individual or business will create a handle that reflects them or their business. Many people will make their handle a combination of their first and last name or a business will do the name of the company. Once your page is set up and customized how you want it people and other businesses can follow you and you can follow them. This is a good way to keep connected with customers and also see what your competition is doing. When you post on Twitter it is called a Tweet. A tweet can be up to 140 characters and you can include links and pictures in it. Also with Tweets you can mention other people or businesses in it or use a hashtag to group it with other posts that are talking about the same thing. For a hashtag you use the pound sign (#) and a combination of words with no spaces. Ex: #sportsmassage #relaxation. To mention someone in your post you just use their Twitter handle which is located under their profile picture and name on their profile, it starts with the @ symbol. Ex: @BettOnUs. When you follow someone on Twitter their posts will show up on your home feed and anyone who follows you will see your Tweets.

As with any social media site there are pros and cons to using it. Some of the pros are that you get to reach many different kinds of people and connect with them. It's also a way to stay connected with current clients and seem personable to them. It's a way to keep customers up to date and informed about sales, promotions, specials, new information, update, etc... If you are actively using Twitter by posting and following customers it can help you seem more personable to those following you. Some cons to using Twitter are first that your Tweets can only be 140 characters long so you need to say what you need to say without being confusing or leaving information out. Also with your Tweets, because individuals usually follow a lot of people or businesses you need to make your Tweet stand out from the crowd or it could get lost in all of the hustle and bustle.

Example of Engage tweet:
  ~First 10 followers will receive 10% off a session of their choosing.
  ~TODAY ONLY! Mention us in a Tweet about your favorite essential oil and receive a free personalized bottle after your next appointment.

Example of Entertain tweet:
 In need of a massage, call and make your appointment today.

Are you feeling unproductive? Come relax with us and raise your productivity.

 Example of Informing tweet:
  ~What type of massage is best for you? Swedish, Sport, Hot Stone? *link to article defining the different types of massage*
  ~Is there anything I need to do after getting a massage in order to fully benefit? *link to article about taking care of yourself after a massage*

Example of EEI using a hashtag:

When's your massage day? Don't have one? Well come in and let us help you start one. #massageday

Example of EEI using a mention:
   ~Ice is the more homeopathic option to assist is pain relief but if you have a busy schedule @Biofreeze is a great alternative.